Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Bobrisky is Trending.

Idris Okuneye (AKA Bobrisky) is one of Nigeria's questionable celebrity wannabes. He is known for his magical transformation from a black man to something even Michael Jackson couldnt reach
See what i mean?

 And for those that follow Bobrisky on Snapchat, or any social platflorm at that, you must have seen him posting snaps about "bae". Bobrisky is openly gay so nobody is surprised that bae is a man, but recently, bobrisky has shown his IG followers and snap followers that bae is not just for mouth in his own case. He has posted new snaps, telling us that bae sent him 7 million naira.... Oya close your mouth now. This is no joke at all. Well, i dont know if Bobrisky is joking with us to get internet popularity but then this is not the first time bobrisky is yelling bae to everybody. Well, if you do not know, he also says his bae is Africa's fourth richest man. I wont say it with my own mouth. You have Google. He also posted pictures of his journey to the bank to get the 7 million naira.

And twitter went berserk with madness, and the tweets were maddening. All in all, Bobrisky has gotten that attention he has always wanted. Now he is trending.

And the people began to investigate. And this came out.

Observe this. He is firat parked in a Diamond bank . Then, the guy in the counter is putting on an ecobank... and when the money is seen in the Ghana has gone bag, the wraps of money are covered with GT bank... good. I honestly do not know what to say.

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