Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Dont Just sit there, Do something!!

Nigeria. This is a land with almost every resource the world has to offer, almost all of it. This is a land where all those resources either remain untapped or tapped but the   money gained grows wings to fly into private accounts. This is a land where potential is not appreciated and talent is not supported. This is a land where youths are not given a chance to do something useful since the government is full of men who put their sons and nephews and neieces in power. Where you as a youth should not count on any government.
Still, all hope is not lost. No hope is lost at all. Never trust your typical nigerian government. It is filled to the brim with men whose personal wants go before them, men who dont care about your 1st class upper in Law or Political Sciences. These men have made it in life, so they dont care about you. This means you will be a stagnant critic of the government. Look at you, wasting away. Dont just sit there, Stand up and do something.

Step One.
Forget that you have a government.

Step Two.
Think very deep.

Step Three.
Think out something beneficial.

Step Four.
Gather capital

Step Five.
Start up something.

Step Six
Be Yourself

Step Seven.
Get books that will push you foward.

Step Eight.
Gather people with potentials.

Step Night.
Dont tolereate anybody that brings negativity around you.

Step Ten.
Watch Yourself grow.

Also, remember, Nigeria is a place where you mustnt practice what you studied in the university. This means that you should strive for your passion and not necessarily what you studied in school. So far you are great at it, you should take a shot at it

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