Monday, 4 April 2016

Oh Pakistan!! Oh Oh Pakistan!!

I didnt wanna write about the attacks on christians in pakistan but i just got really touched by the images that keep coming up on cnn and i just could not hold back.
Sense of Judgement. Zero.
Realism. Zero.
A heart. Zero.
A mind of your own. Zero.

That is what fanatism does to you. It rips you into shreds and eats up the human essense in you; Be you buddhist or hindi or christian or muslim or anything you are. The moment you begin to allow your beliefs to make you display negative behaviour, that is when your belief becomes doubtable. Now if that your belief makes you eliminate people who dont share in your belief, then your belief is well... uhm.... then your belief is more than doubtable.

In Lahore, Pakistan, 70 christians were killed on Easter sunday by the pakistani Taliban and many were wounded. How do you start explaining that? I have to first ask this, how would you even convert me by killing me? How would you make me believe with you when you kill those that dont believe? You cant preach peace and go around killing people for their beliefs. How does the belief of those killed affect the belief of the killers?! Too many questions. Or do the 98% non christians believe the 1.something%  christians will convert them?
These killings should end! You should not go around killing people because they do not share in your beliefs. Anybody can kill anybody and if life is all about killing because they dont share the same belief., then there will be war everywhere. The world is free! We are entitled to our opinions and beliefs.

Also, the government of Pakistan and the international community should keep eyes on every minor christian population in non christian countries. Now you can even see the government is not reliable because just the other day, a policeman gunned down a prominent politician. Why? The politician spoke against the supposed execution of a christian "blasphemer". So we dont even know who is trustworthy and who not to trust.

In the end, i preach peace to all. Keep your beliefs and let others have theirs. Please. Let Peace reign.

*How many times did i write belief here? Find out.

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