Thursday, 7 April 2016

Waka Waka President

The Award for the most travelled president goes to... Of course... President Muhammadu Buhari.

Some say he should be president of Chile because he travels out to go and chill.
Some say he should be president of Russia because he rushes out happily.
Some say he should be president of Tanzania because he will travel a TANZAND times in a year.

Wow. Waka Waka president. Calm down ooo, charity does not begin in China ooo.

How can we be having all these problems and your subordinates are saying this and that but you will not say kpikim. Just travel up and down. You sef you are the Petroleum minister. Stop bugging Kachikwu and do your job. Its either you do your job or you make Kachikwu the petroleum ministee as soon as possible. Since you know that you will stay more days outside the country tgan in it, why not give your vice the mantle to do something. His own is to wear suit, answer proffessor, have offfice, have convoy, have a wife who flies miles in a private plane to donate things worth about 100000 to people, finish.
Xi jinpin invited you to china right? Why cant he come? Does he not also have a private jet? Ok maybe he is the Chinese head. That does not mean our waka waka president wont head to Cuba next, Bahamas, Dubai, even DRC. He is capable.

Now Mr. President. When people told you that this is democracy, we didnt say keep shut and fly away in our time of need.

Listen. Just Stay a week and Listen.

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